Bob Edwards Weekend (November 22-23, 2014)




What if John F. Kennedy had taken the advice of some of his aids and left the top of his car on that fateful day in Dallas?   Journalist Jeff Greenfield explores how America and the world might have been different in his book If Kennedy Lived. Greenfield also worked as a speechwriter for Robert Kennedy.


Bob talks to award-winning public radio producers Davia Nelson and Nikki Silva about their audio book, Hidden Kitchens: Stories and More from NPR’s The Kitchen Sisters. It’s a collage of stories, interviews, and anecdotes, about kitchens both far out and familiar.





Bob talks to Nathaniel Philbrick about the Pilgrims, the real story of the first Thanksgiving and the difficult years that followed.  Philbrick is the author of Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community and War.


Bruce Hornsby has sold more than 11 million records, drawing from a wide-range of American musical traditions.  He was schooled in bluegrass, folk, rock, pop, country, blues and jazz, although the “adult-contemporary” label has plagued him ever since his hit, “The Way It Is,” became the most-played song on American radio in 1987.  Hornsby talks with Bob about his career and his music.

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